Complete illuminated advertising both for exterior and interior. Advertising including wiring, graphic surface represented by flat acrylate meant for printing or adhesive vinyl film application, or pressed acrylate suitable for printing. Advertising panels are both single-sided and double-sided, both in typical and atypical sizes and shapes.
TOP DK s.r.o
Kuřimská 1926/21a
621 00 Brno
e-mail: topdk[zav]
IČO: 26943883
DIČ: CZ26943883
Firma zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku Krajského obchodního soudu v Brně, oddíl C, vložka 47282
Karel Kosek
representative - design, development
+420 603 453 585
Radim Dvořák
representative - design, development
+420 603 455 499
Eva Moučková
sales, administration
+420 731 681 667
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